Rabu, 09 Maret 2016

10 Tips Before "Make Over" Home

 "Make Over" Home
Discussions with the family so important to unify perceptions about the design, cost, and the division of labor. Time is limited to no hindrance did rearrange the room on weekends.

Indeed, much of a challenge when you do reset themselves with the family. Especially if time is available for only two days, Saturday and Sunday. Not only that, the lack of experience and design ideas can sometimes be a barrier.

However, all these shortcomings do not make you back off. Recall, reorder the weekend is a recreation. Full of fun and mutual assistance between family members. As a bonus, the room long ago turned a new, more comfortable and livable atmosphere.

Dreamed that all activities run smoothly, the key is only two, namely the advance planning and coordination in the field. For your convenience, the following 10-point plan that you can follow:

1. Decide on a theme

Themes related to the concept of space that you want. Which functions you want to be contained? What is the pattern of interaction as well as the atmosphere to be built?

The concept is certainly useful to give guidance on the work to be done, materials to be purchased, up to a decor element.

2. Reference Design

To get the design according to the theme, you can find references to books, magazines, and the internet. You can mark the selected design to be a guide when rearranging.

Remember, in the pictures is not necessarily suitable for the home. We recommend that you consult an architect or designer in advance.

3. Designing a supplementary budget

Long before planning the decor, you should already know the maximum ceiling of funding will be budgeted. Prepare also unexpected costs, about 10 percent-20 percent of the budget is set.

It is important that you focus on when looking for a variety of interior elements and materials one is not passed a budget limit.

4. Make a list of items

Once the theme and a set fee, you can now create a list of items that must be purchased. Create priorities clearly and prioritize the items that can change the atmosphere in a heartbeat.

If the soaring price, you can also make furniture or decorative elements that can be adjusted.

5. Detail list of jobs

Make a list of what to do when rearranging. Write down in detail by the description of the material and equipment needed.

In addition to expediting the process of renovation, this list will allow you to create a budget that is usually allocated per job.

6. Make sure that the project implementation
Work has been determined, it's time to determine the executor. For tasks according to their capabilities and interests, ranging from heavy to father, decorations for mothers and children, to a job that requires skill artisan.

To be more orderly in progress, do not forget to designate a project leader responsible for monitoring the outline of the work.

7. Select the appropriate artisan

To help rearrange the house, you can choose the "artisan junior" for work that is not crucial, so the cost can be reduced. However, if the job takes skill and precision, you can make a seasoned artisan mainstay.

However, keep in mind, not to use artisans becomes excessive and wasteful costs precisely.

8. Management of working time

In order to work more efficiently, you need to make time management. Talk to a contractor or handyman to help you estimate the time of completion of work.

Do not forget to enter a grace period of setbacks for the guard. What You have to remember is, do not make the deadline sagging spirit to finish the job properly.

9. Allocation of funds

It is better to allocate funds in more detail. Of the total funds to budget, divide into sections to facilitate work in the affairs of shopping.

From there you can determine the amount of funds that exceeds, the same, or even can be saved. Details of this allocation as an "alarm" it is for your expenses.

10. The material Shopping

Make a note of any equipment and materials that do not yet have, then take the time to buy it. Shopping centers material can be carried out in the building materials that save time.

However, there's nothing wrong if you visit different stores to get the items most relevant to your tastes and costs.

Luxury Shown Could Cheap Furniture

Cheap Furniture
Luxurious feel in the house does not have to be created from a selection of expensive furniture. Memorable charming with a touch of luxury packaging is raised through creativity.

Amorani KEIZA, in his book "Reforming Fresh Ideas Home," published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama, conveys some tips to mix and match the interior to luxurious look in your home.

According to him, any interior style can be selected through the packaging. For example, bind the sofa with a choice of leather or velvet upholstery dark color. Or, use a silver or golden accents at the corners of furniture, such as chairs and tables toe.

As for floor coverings, you can choose materials from wood marble or granite. To save costs, at this time, you can also find similar devices with other materials, such as wood flooring from PVC material that is easy to be overhauled, with a pattern of wood or ceramic, granite, or marble.

However, if you still want to use marble, select the broken marble. Cheaper because the conditions are not good. Only, marble-marble resale is usually sold in the form of a kilogram, then the installation in mosaic.

In addition, you can maximize the use of headlights with using a crystal chandelier or lamp rainbow. Add a few spotlights with rails in the ceiling of the room for dramatic effect.

While other touches remodels a tiny window with a tall wall-sized window. The trick, you simply put the curtain rail to the ceiling.

Simple, right? It was just a few examples. Now, you can start to redecorate your rooms with a touch of luxury.

Use Color It If You Want to Sleep Well

Besides soothing, bedroom also should be comfortable to sleep more soundly and quality.

Soothing ambiance can be obtained through the use of color sort of gray, blue, green and lavender.

However, if you are looking for a cozy atmosphere in the room, could use warmer colors eg brown, red, orange, and yellow.

Here are four specific colors that could cause atmosphere comfortable in your bedroom.

1. Reddish Brown

A reddish brown color comfort givers. The color is dark and in providing its own warmth in the bedroom.

Rona dark reddish-brown color gives the best accent in the room. You can paint one wall or ceiling with color and paint the other with the color palette of soft, light, and neutral.

So as not to feel alive in a cave, you should allow more light to enter into
in a room and make it collaborated with sorrel.

2. Light Yellow

Dark colors do tend to make the room smaller and cozy, but you can also earn a cozy atmosphere through the use of lighter colors.

Jonquil warm will not make your room cramped.

Instead, these colors can make a room more open and able to provide you atmosphere warmth comfortable.

3. Deep Burgundy / Dark Purple

The atmosphere is dark like a deep burgundy or purple, burgundy, and reddish brown is needed in the room like a bedroom that promotes comfort.

Aura arising from the dark colors it is able to make the bedroom into the room more intimate and comfortable.

Even so, dark colors are able to make your bedroom becomes narrower than it looks.

The use of deep purple color on the walls of the room will make your room a little claustrophobic.

The taste is narrower too would you feel if the ceiling is painted using dark colors like purple this.

4. Soft Gold / Gold Young

If you are looking for bright neutral colors to give the impression of comfort, should avoid the use of white or pure gold.

The soft colors of gold or the young gold could be an option as it gives warmth, though not as extreme as dark colors.

Young gold color will provide maximum comfort if collaborated with wooden furniture.

Colour brightness is suitable to be on the walls and ceiling of the bedroom. It will make your bedroom a more open and wider than usual.

Despite Expensive, 5 Household It Should You Buy

For those of you who still use household appliances "old school", should need to make improvements. Equipment such as dishes and others can not always use.

In connection with the durability, comfort, convenience, and cost, there are five household appliances that you must buy even at a great price, though.

1. Cookware

If the cookware has been chipped, discolored, and you no longer feel comfortable using it to cook then it is time to buy new cookware.

More and more household appliances related to the kitchen are often worth the money when seen from endurance ever.

You can donate the stainless steel cookware to anyone who had recently moved house because they usually accept any gifts.

2. knife

If you're allergic to the kitchen then chances are you do not have the proper equipment. A set of knives could be the answer to it.

So you can start by buying a put-down or block the blade, start with a knife first and then gradually make a collection of knives as needed.

A chef's knife, paring knife, and a bread knife will usually be the kinds of blades you can along with a collection of a wooden cutting board.

3. Sleep Mattress

You spend a third of life in bed, so it does not hurt to invest in a mattress bed that supports the spine and make you sleep comfortably.

This is important because when you wake up feeling refreshed and excited this is much more valuable than anything. That feeling can also be supported by the use of pillows nice.

4. The sheets

Next household appliances that you must purchase even though expensively is complete with bed sheets cover it.

The sheets with linen material are highly recommended because it looks elegant, and softer when used.

5. Vacuum Cleaner

Although rare, if you have excess money can buy a vacuum cleaner handy when cleaning in the parts not covered broom and others.

You can buy a vacuum cleaner with a strong type to suck up dirt but not noisy if you have more budget.

5 Ways to Make Heaven Home Stress Relievers

Heaven Home
The house is often regarded as the place where the heart should be and usually, a house into a place you love most. But what about if the house instead becomes a place that makes you stressed?

Here are five ways to make your home like heaven deduction even stress relievers.

1. Trim the room in your house

To ensure that you are not stressed, it could start by tidying items daily in the house. Start with one of the most specific room.

The other way in the tidying the room is to create a place to put stuff that you often need. Besides neat, it also provides convenience when you are looking the goods.

2. Clean the Air in the Home Environment

Use the cleaning tool to eliminate toxins that are in the house. Your home is a place full of toxins mainly from household chemicals.

You can use a high-quality air filter either for heating or conditioning are also directly can establish tolerance poison in your home.

3. Keep Growing Plants

Research shows, filling your home with plants can reduce stress. If you do not have a lot of time taking care of plants, you can plant plants that are able to live with little care as succulents.

After that, you can balance the presence of succulents with colors, patterns, and other textures. In addition to reducing stress, the plant also plays a role in creating clean air and get rid of toxins in the air.

4. Create A Special Room for Giving Peace

In a house, there must be a spot or a room that makes you comfortable, relaxed, and feel peaceful.

If it exists, then you must develop it so no longer need a vacation just to simply looking for peace and happiness.

5. Use the Good Lighting

Lights or exposure often too dim and too bright. The key to this is to make your lighting when in the house still felt warm.

Usually, it is done by using a halogen lamp. Even so, natural lighting is the energy center of the best on earth.

But unfortunately, it will not so affect those who have a house with a window away from sunlight.

Five Inspiration Filling Vacancies in Down Stairs

Five Inspiration Filling Vacancies in Down Stairs
The bottom of the stairs can actually be utilized. You can see an example in the Harry Potter films. The young wizard spends all of his childhood living in a small space under the stairs.

In addition to being an "emergency", the bottom of the stairs can also have a variety of other functions. Here are some inspirational ways to fill the empty space under the stairs:

1. If the staircase is located not far from the entrance, is the perfect solution. You can create space under the stairs as a place to store jackets, umbrellas, and shoes.

2. You can use the area as a cupboard under the stairs of food, especially dry food ingredients and a variety of cooking equipment.

To increase storage space, you can also add a stroller in it.

3. Make space under the stairs as a small sitting room. If necessary, the walls in the vicinity can be transformed as a bookcase. This way, you can have a "library" tiny under the stairs.

4. Make the area under the stairs as a children's playground. Leave it open so that you can easily keep an eye on them.

When not in use, you can make it a place to store toys. In addition, to make room under the stairs into "houses" for your child is also a good idea.

If you do not have children, you can make the area under the stairs as a small work space. In addition to saving space, space under the stairs that seemed closed also ideal to focus your mind on the job.

5. You can use the area under the stairs as the rooms are small. Instead, make sure the small room serves only as a backup bathroom that is not fully functional. That is, you just supply the toilet and sink to keep them dry.

Baking Soda, Solution of All Problems Home

Baking Soda, Solution of All Problems Home
Do not rush to spend a lot of money to buy cleaning the interior of the house. It could be, in fact, you already have a variety of natural cleaning agents. Only, it was not aware of.

Natural cleaners like vinegar and baking soda, besides cheaper, it is relatively safer than chemicals.

Here's how to use baking soda for a variety of needs in the house:

The bedroom and living room

Baking soda can resolve the issues surrounding the odor in the bedroom and in the living room. Before cleaning the carpet using a vacuum, sprinkle baking soda onto the surface and leave for 15 minutes.

Baking soda can also minimize the possibility of odor in the closet. The trick, place baking soda in an open bowl in the cupboard.

Also, use baking soda to clean children's toys. Wash toys made of plastic by using a solution of a quarter cup of baking soda and four cups of warm water.

Additionally, you can also eliminate the odor stuffed cotton children with the help of baking soda. How, sprinkle baking soda on the dolls, leave 15 minutes, then wash with a vacuum.

Basic mix baking soda (a quarter cup of baking soda and four cups of warm water) can clean the surface of your kitchen. Use a sponge to clean kitchen surfaces.

Just like in the bedroom, baking soda can also eliminate the odor in the kitchen cabinet by placing an open container of baking soda in it.

For odor in the trash bag, you just have to sprinkle baking soda into the garbage bag. If necessary, periodically clean the trash by immersing its contents using one cup of baking soda and one gallon of water.

Cutlery of silver can shine again. Make a paste using parts baking soda & part water. Then, wipe the paste on the surface of the cutlery.

For a variety of stubborn stains on the surface of the plastic, the surface soaks for 15 minutes in four parts baking soda and one part warm water. After fifteen minutes, scrub, then dry.

Baking soda can also remove the remnants of the dough on a baking sheet that has been used to bake a cake. You only need to sprinkle baking soda onto the surface of the pan, give warm water, soap. Let the pan soak for 15 minutes, then wash clean.

Clean the bathroom floor with a bucket of warm water and half a cup of baking soda. Also, use the basic mix baking soda to clean a variety of surfaces the bathroom.

For rust stains, add vinegar. Mix cup of vinegar and half cup baking soda. Scrub and clean. You can see the results for yourself.

What beauty equipment such as a comb? It turned out that baking soda can clean it up.

Soak combs in warm water and a tablespoon of baking soda. After that clean and dry. As a result, the comb back brilliantly.

The exterior of the house

Use baking soda and a damp sponge to clean the furniture on the patio. Take advantage of a basic mixture of baking soda for swimming pool supplies are susceptible to mildew.

In addition, clean the grease and fat in the garage by sprinkling baking soda directly onto the surface. Brush with a damp brush, then rinse. Your home will shine back. Good luck!

10 Easy Ways to Install "Wallpaper"

10 Easy Ways to Install "Wallpaper"
Papering neatly professional masons turns out you can do yourself.
In fact, you can express creativity through the installation and test the wallpaper.
To make the wall look different or have a focal point, the game is appropriate wallpaper. Design it yourself is not difficult.

Follow these 10 steps below:

Prepare the necessary equipment, such as plastic sheeting, household appliances, cutter, pencils, rulers and gauges, thread with ballast, wallpaper glue, tubs for mortar, glue (2 pieces), sponge, brush glue, rollers, sandpaper, and a putty knife to smooth walls.


After the plane of the wall or the surface is ready, mix the glue with water. Make two separate tubs, the glue to the connection and glue for the whole. Glue the connection part is thicker, so that the adhesive power is higher.


Measure the length & width of the area to be covered with wallpaper. Adjust the width of the field to the width of the wallpaper. Exaggerating about 1 to 1.5 centimeters for the connection section.

Cut the length of wallpaper into panels, but tailored to the needs. See the installation instructions on the paper in each package description that explains how to harmonize their motives between panels or pieces of wallpaper.


Mark the position of the wallpaper with a pencil. Use the tools in the form of threads by means of ballast to make it straight and neat.


Once marked, the glue with a roller brush on the surface to be coated wallpaper. Perform this step slowly.


Paste wallpaper with caution. Note the marking that you have previously made using pencil.


In the connection, use a more viscous glue. Brush with a special brush in this section.


Flatten the pre-installed wallpapers with acrylic ruler. Cut leftover wallpaper with a cutter. Use a sponge to soak up the excess glue. This process also serves to flatten the wallpaper.


Once installed, check again to ensure that neat, especially on the connections and corners.

Good luck!